We just love to try new cafè's around in our neighbourhood. And this time we visited this nice Cafè in Goethenburg. It was just blue colours everywhere, the cups was triangles instead of roundshaped. And the hot chocolate was just delicious. Pure dark chocolate with hot milk...mmm..I loved it.
*laughing* i like this blog:)
Hei Ane! Så kult at du er inne på Cafealv sida. Nå ser jeg snart min elskede bror igjen, på skjærgårds. KOmmer du eller?Jeg og min mann er på SLingshot i sverige. Det er spennenede!!
å, ja, slingshot virker veldig spennende! har hørt litt fra første uka. nei, får desverre ikke møtt noen på skjærgårds.. jobber, men du må hilse da, og si han må komme til jærstrendene å surfe:)kos deg og dere og spis masse jordbær!
Looks like a private site. And that's what I've always been saying: YWAM is nothing but "cosy" cafè-life and sofas. And now they're blogging too! I suggest the green sofa in cafè Alv should start blogging, and tell how many butts that are throwing themselves in it every day. Get out and take some nice pics of our lovely nature...
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